Tuesday 29 January 2019

3 Amazing Ways in Which You Can Impact Your Local Community through Cycling

Millions of people around the works enjoy cycling as a hobby. Some are professional athletes while others started cycling for weight loss and fitness. If you would like to find a way to give back to the community through cycling, then this is the right place to be. Here are 3 creative ways in which you can do some good for your local community through cycling:
1.      Donate
      Do you have old bikes, helmets or other cycling gear that you no longer use? Rather than letting these belongings pile up in your garage, why not fix your old bikes and donate them to a children’s home or local charity.
2.      Teach
      Are there any young people or even senior citizens in your community who are interested in cycling but they have no one to train them? Why not start your own cycling club where you can teach others what you know and help others to achieve their goals.
3.      Support an initiative
     There are many existing sports initiatives that are targeted towards improving local communities through cycling. For example, the pumpforpeace campaign is an excellent project that identifies communities which lack a pump track for cycling.
      This creates an amazing opportunity for the locals to find a pump track and enjoy outdoor cycling. If you would like to support this initiative, simply visit their website to learn more about this amazing project and what you can do to help.